Major Types of views
Multiview Projections
- like the work sheets (just faces)
Axonometric Projection
- angles a,b and c are jual
- all edges are equal in length
- angles a,b and c are jual
- Angles A and C are equal
- those two edges are equal
- Angles A and C are equal
- No equal anything
Oblique projection
- there is at least 1 true face
- the rest are scaled down
- there is at least 1 true face
- (like us just moving around)
Horizon line
- goes towards the vanishing point
- is parralel with the ground line
Ground line
- the ground line
Vanashing point
- all lines converge to it
VP possition and number
1 point perspective
- 1 VP
2 point perspective
- 2 VP
3 point perspective
- 3 VP
Parallel projection
- it is the same as worksheet 1
we just have the observer at infinity and the face orthoganal to the LOS
First Angle VS Third Angle Projections
Third angle
- US standard
First Angle
- european standard
Language of lines
Sketches use many lines