Possible quiz material for ENSC 105W
The template
Think of templates as the fast food of writing
- a diet of them can be dangerous
The hamburger
- Not all pragrphs have a topic setence
- not all paragrphs have a conclusion sentence
- not all paragraphs hae 3 supporting sentences
- not all paragraphs have 5 sentences
- not all papers have 5 paragraphs
The promblem with paragraphing
- a fundamental probem relates to paragraph structure
- how we organize and communicate ideas are culture-specific
Elements of paragraph structure
Fie guidlines for analyzing and organizing pragrahps
- a paragraph is usually a set of sentences around a common theme
- english paragraphs usually follow a relative pattern of general to specific organization
- a paragrahp is rarely longer than it is wide
- engish paragrahps often follow common patterns
paragrapsh and culture
- English is linear
- or perhaps the model is stereotypical privileged nonsense
Three common english paragraph patterns
General → specific
Specific → general
- spatial descriptiion
- statment
- supporting evidence
- definitions
- compare
- chronological
- procedural
- instructial
- cause and effect
Analysing paragraph organization
- key terms :generalization, specification
- related sentences create taxonomies of ideas in paragraphs
the introduction is one of the key paragraphs for readers:
- first impressions matter
- the reader is more likely to read if your position is clear
- capture the readers attentions
- reflect the question raised by the assignment
- provide context
- define keyterms
- convey the pattern of organizatiton the poper follows
- contain thesis statment
- limit what is discussed
- state the main conclusion