Possible Quiz material for ENSC 105W
Effective Use of Email
Email is NOT texting
- texting is informal, email is semi formal
You must edit the emails you send
Phrase your writing as requests rather then demands
- “could you please help me solve this problem?” is better than “FIX THIS FOR ME”
If writing to the Undergraduate Assistant or Adviseor
- Include your student number in the email body
Only use your sfu mail
Ensure you use an appropriate salutation
- say hello and their name/proffessor
Ensure you spelled the reipients name correctly
Always include a subject line
- And inclued a meaningful phrase into it
At the end of messages
- Include alternate ways to be contacted
Aviod typing messages entirely in uppercase
- using paragraphs and bulleted lists to keep your ideas seprate
Length and attachments
dont make emails too long
- if it has to be long use headings to break up the text
- or ask for a meeting
ideally, paragraphs in email are 2-3 sentences in length
When a email is a few short paragraphs
- it should be sent as a doc to them
avoid questions at the end of emails
Think about who your CCIng
- Do they really need that information?
Email security
Always double check your emailing the right person
Do not send cofidential material
Emails are easily shared
The etiquette of CC’ing
CC: carbon copy
- added to the email chain, and all participants can see that.
- use when you want to involve some one into the conversation but arent directing your question towards them
BCC: Blind Carbon Copy
- Added to the email chain, but the rest of the participants cannot see their email
- avoid when possible as it creates lack of transparency and the person BCC,d may not realize they have been BCC’d