Possible Quiz Material for ENSC 105W
Learning Objectives
Threshold Concepts
Threshhold concepts are concepts that appear strange, contradictory, or counter-intuitive, but are critical to understanding
Term dervives from the field of sociology
Threshhold concepts often become blocks that can get in the way
For this course, some of theese are found in terms such as
- Audience
- persuasion
- tone
- contraries
- strategies and process
We will identify these key concepts throught the course
Rule vs strategy based writing
Choose strategies rather than rules
Rule based approach to writing:
- experience of failure
- writers block or dislike of writing
STrategy based approach to writing
- exprience of seccess
- break the rules as needed to achive the goalds required by a document
Uniqueness of your writing process
Determined by four factors
Your usual practices when writing
Your enviroment while writing
Your attutude towards writing
You audineces potetial responces
The writing is interative
Writing process as a linear progression
Writing as an interative process
Writing as a process
- generating ideas, understanding
- organising ideas and focusing
- letting work sit coming back to it later
Peer review
- further develping and claifying ideas
editing and proofreading

The importance of efficiency when writting
A key difference between expert and novice writers
one of the biggest diffrenceses between novices and experienced writers are the time splits-
The three P’s

Dont think to write, write to think
Experminment with caution