What is Diagonalization
- [L]B=PS→B[L]PB→S=P−1[L]P
- this is one of the motivations form “similar matrices”.
Let A and B be nxn matrices. A is similar to B if there exsts a matrix P such that P−1AP=B
- basicly just changing the matrice to a diffrent basis
Properties of Diagonalization
Similar matrices have the same
- so we can just diagonalize to get the determinant easily
An nxn matrix A is Diagonalizable if A is similar to a diagonal matrix that is:
When is a matrix diagonalizable
An nxn matrix A is diagonalizable if and only if there is a basis consisting of n linearly independent eigenvectors of A.
- it is only diagonizable if theer is the same amount of eigen values as collumns/rows