What is the determinant

  • Area IIRC

How to find Determinants

  • How to find determinant

    • 3x3
    • Bigger than 3x3

      • in general, let A be a nxn matrix with and let denote the sub matrix of A with the row and column removed. th
  • Co factor expansion


        • this is just showing that we must multiply the original cross man
      • we must make it + - + - for adding the guys and it goes on like that pattern like a checkerboard for the entire matrix
  • We can just adjust the starting the det row/column

    • by just changing the start line to the one with the most 0 entries but we must adhere to the checkerboard

Properties of determinants:

  • the determinant of an upper-traigular, lower-triangular, or diagonal matrix is the product of the diagonal entries.


  • More than 3x3

    • its just the cross but you get the matrix size down, then you keep doing it until you get a 2x2 matrix :/