What are complex numbers
- recall in Eulers thesis (or what ever the fuck it was called)
- we denote −1=i
- same rules as regualar algebra apply to it
- a is the Real part of them number
- b is the imaginary part
- complex is C where as reals are R
dont really work as ab=/=ab
Solving polynomials with complex numbers
Other properties of complex numbers
if z=a+bi is a complex number, then we define the absolute value or the modulus of z as ∣z∣=a2+b2 and the conjugate of z as zˉ=a−bi
- zˉ=z if and only if z∈R
- z1±z2ˉ=z1ˉ±z2ˉ
- z1z2ˉ=z1ˉ∗z2ˉ
- for any interger, n, znˉ=zˉn
- zˉz=∣z∣2
sketching complex numbers in the complex plane
A complex number a+bi can be drawn like the vector (a,b) in the xy−plane