Possible Quiz Material for ENSC 105W
Is a cycle!
- Understand the assignment
- Know strengths and weaknesses
- Plan
- Apply strategiies and Monitor Preformance
- Reflect and Change if needed
Double and single loop learning
Keys to success
Towards school
- not everyone recevise A’s or B’s
- You may work harder, but receive lower grades
- You must ask for help if you need it
- You might not be as good as you think you are
- But you can adjust to and enqoy the work
- measure success in terms of learning, not in grades
They dont grade on hard work; only on achievement
towards learining
Memorizing faccts is not enough; in university, you are expected to
- understand and apply principles and concepts
- intepret the meaning and significance of ideas
- think critically and question everything
- take notes, read optional material, conduct independant research
- take control of your own education
- learn how to learn for life-long success
- academic integrity is taken very seriously
- can fail or be suspended for plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty
- Ignorace is no excuse. You are responisple for the material in the code of academic integrity and student conduct
- benig of good character is a requirment to become a professional engineer
- any FD or suspension can hurt you in the long term
What is a professional
- Masters and applies knowledge
- behaves in honest and fair ways
- respects others
- works independently and thinks critically
- protects the interest of others
- works to improve the human condition
- Todays classmates are tommorrows coleagues
- who you know and what they think about you are among your greatest assets for a successful career
- todays ta may be tommorows supervisor
- people talk about classmates
- negative reputations are difficult to overcome
- one bad apple spoils the barrel (reputianon of organization)
- The attrition rate in egineering is quite high
- interviews with those who left engineering indicadted that time managment was one fo the biggest problems
- the fist two semesters/years are the most difficult
- help each other out and figure it out together
- time managemnt becomes even more important when you start your careers
TM tips
- combine activities
- quality of time > quantity of time
- 2 hours spent focusing intently upon a subject is worth 12 hours where you are contstantly interrupted
- say no to distractions
- avoid perfectionism
- break large tasks into smaller ones
Plan ahead
- dont wait
- eating and sleeping are important
- poor nutrition leads to alack of energy
- limited sleep leads to a lack of concentarition
- take breaks
- breaks and exercise will maintanin your sanity
- pomodoro method
- time tracking app
- to do lists
- project milestones
make frinends and study groups
Attend class
keep up with material
learn to study
check email
learn time managemnt skills
pick up marked assignemns and exams
Writers block