Preliminary Assignment 1
- Identify a research question you want to answer.
- Ensure the topic and question are suitable for a persuasive paper.
- Optional, but recommended: include a series of secondary research question’s.
- Provide a list of 4-6 sources demonstrating you can find sufficient information to help you answer your question
- optional include annotations to clarify how you plan to use the sources or what information they contain
- define the audience
Sample Assignments
alternative light sources: incandescent, compact, florescent
i want to persuade premier Gordon Campbell that bc hydros is outdated and based on profit motive not a sustainable motive
No due date extensions
- no need for sources unless specified
Frequently made mistakes and their solutions
- Dont make it black and white
- explore the other side of your topic
- understand the assignment
- know strengths and weaknesses
- plan
- apply strategies and monitor performance
- reflect and change if needed
Double & single loop learning