Memory and brain research
- attend to the taks
- visualze the patterns
- repeat the information
Ensure you devote your undivided attention to the material
Try to vusiualize the material
Repetition is critical
- The classroom is usually the firsnt place where you hear the information
- professors give hints about what material will be on the exam
Time should elapse between study sessions
Spend 10 min a day reveiwing
at week 7 and 13 compile the notes again using the same method
Read Course Materials
Test based off it
- Most professors base it off the course material rather the lectecure
- Read the text book as questions will likely come from there
Do the homework
Doing the problem sets is particularly important whgen you are working on math
- work through all the problems
- if you dont understand some of the problems→ ask for help
- you should reasearch and review course materials even for ENSC 105W
Studying for The Test
Study early
Collect notes and other materials
Consider how the exam will be weighteed
for each week covered by the quize,
- spend an hour or two studying
Ensure you sleep
Dont study last minute
Exam prep
If its an open book exam bring your books and notes
Scan the exam from beginning to end end before you answer any questions
Carefully read the information one the first page
- It usally provides important information for the htest
Multiple choice
Read the exam very carefully
Ify ou go blank on one question move on and come back later
Answer the questions you are certin first
If you are really unsure of an answer,