we can think of the x and y axis as these scalars i^ and j^
it is like the complex plane (WOW)
Very important → “basis vectors”
- showing the xy coordinate system
We can make our own basis vectors (hats)
to make infinite ways to make one vector
linear combination
when we add some type of basis vectors it creates a linear combination
the “span” of v and w is the set of all their linear combinations
letting a and b very over all real numbers
This allows us to write any vector on the 2d plane
Span in 3d space
2d Span in 3d space is like 3d printing
when we try to take the span for a 2d vector (vector with two numbers only) in 3d all the possible values (span) will only draw a flat 2d plane through the origin of teh 3d space
3d span in 3d space
Again the span for this set is all possible linear combinations
with linear combinations for v,w,u
however if the third vector is “trapped” in another vector it will produce the same span as a 2d vector intuitively
Linear dependency
Redundent vector
When a vector is trapped within another vector it is called
Linearly dependent
You can write the linear dependent vector as a linear combination of the other vectors
for some values of a and b
Linear independence
Non reduntant vector
When teh vector is actually contributing it is called