What is design?
difference between
- Analysis (i.e study/observe)
- investigation (i.e. inquire)
- design (i.e. Synthesis)
design Vocabulary
Functonal requirement:
- What the device has to do
Design Parameters:
- what you can vary to meet the requirements
Design Stages
1. Desgin involves a progression from the conceptual:
- “should our power source be x or y”
- “should the x be b strong or a strong”
3. to the final stage of filling in the numbers on the engineering drawings “detail design”
- “shoudl these be xcm bolts or 2.8 do?”
Objective Functions
the overall goodness of the design
out come should be quantifiable
Double-Diamond model
Science vs Engineering
- looks at what is and asks why?
- if the universe is in state X, what happens next?
- (adapted from G.B. Shaw, Back to methuselah)
- dreams of what has never been, and asks “why not?”
- if I want the univerese to be in state x, what must happen first