What is the power method
- it uses the same formula P−1AP=D to take advantage that we can use it too take powers of matrices with out too many calculations
the domiant eigenvalue
what is the dominant eigen value
- its the eigen value that has the greatest absolute value from the other eigen values of the vector
this also reaches to eigenspace (dominent eigenspace)
dominant eigen space
how to find
- let A be the real dominant eigenvalue λ1. and the initial vector be x0 calculate the power sequensce
- Ax0,A2x0,A3x0,…
- it turns out doing this converges to the dominant eigenspace
to discribe this convergence we can use
- x1=∣∣Ax0∣∣Ax0,x2=∣∣Ax1∣∣Ax1,…
- this sequence will almost always converge to a dominent eigenvector q and Aq=λ1q