Lab 4 of ENSC 180

Question 1


 Q2: Text File Operations

disp(' ');

disp('Q2 Operations:');

% Part 1: Writing to the file

filename = 'studentGrades.txt';

fileID = fopen(filename, 'w');

fprintf(fileID, '%-12s%12s%12s\n', 'ID', 'Number', 'Grade'); % header

data = [1, 301011234, 100;

2, 301022468, 85;

3, 201037890, 93;

4, 123456789, 67;

5, 987654321, 34];

for i = 1:size(data, 1) % Writing data rows

fprintf(fileID, '%-12d%12d%12d\n', data(i, :));


fclose(fileID); % Closing the file after writing

% Part 2: Reading from the file

fileID = fopen(filename, 'r');

disp(fgetl(fileID)); % Display the first line (header)

dataRead = fscanf(fileID, '%d %d %d', [3 inf]); % Read and store the data

dataRead = dataRead'; % Transpose to correct shape

fclose(fileID); % Closing the file after reading

disp(dataRead); % Displaying the read data

% Part 3: Calculating and displaying the average grade

averageGrade = mean(dataRead(:, 3));

disp(['Average Grade: ', num2str(round(averageGrade, 2))]);


Average Grade: 75.8
Note (the output isn’t actually a table but it is the only nice way of putting it in this software)

  • (Creating our file)**:
    • Name our list ‘studentGrades.txt’ and add to it.
    • Open the list to start writing, planning to fill it with student data.
    • At the top, write our categories: ‘ID’, ‘Number’, and ‘Grade’
    • List down specific details for each student:
      • ID.
      • number
      • grade.
    • Once done listing all students, close the list
  • (Reading from our file)**:
    • Open our list again because we need to check the content.
    • Close the list after reviewing to ensure no accidental changes are made.
  • ( Analyzing the data)**:
    • Calculate the average grade by adding all grades together and then dividing by the number of grades