Kirchhoff’s Voltage Rules

  • Stats that the sum of the (voltage drops) caused by anything around a loop must be zero
    • why?? because the potential defference between them is

Kichhoff’s Current Rule

  • Statse that the sum of the currents entering any given point in a circuit must equal the sum of all currens leaving the same point
  • Ex

      • because the currents is flowing around and coming back to the junction at a

How to solve

  • 1. Label each current (including its direction)
  • 2. Chose nodes and loops
  • 3. Apply node and loop rules; you will need as many independent equations as unknowns (we can just make them for free)
    • If we have N loops, only N-1 are independent


  • 1. Calculate the currents in the three branches of the circuit

      • for each node we know that
        • we can compare A and D
        • A:
        • D:
          • they are not independent because they are the same equation lol
      • And we know that the
        • and to solve we must isolate each loop (giving us an equastion each (V=IR for the entire guy =0))
      • Upper;
      • Lower: